Year-End Preparation for Independent Practitioner

As an independent practice, the end of the year is a great time to conduct an audit of your business’ systems and processes and financial health, and set goals and objectives for the new year. This course reviews 9 actions you can take to remain in compliance with the BACB (2020) ethics code for behavior analysts as well as applicable legal requirements.

Price: $5.00 for 0.5 CEUs 

Meet Your Guide

Charity Steele

Hi! I'm Charity Steele, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst who has owned and operated an independent ABA practice in Northern California for nearly 14 years. I believe this model offers the field of behavior analysis a tremendous opportunity to extend its reach while simultaneously providing behavior analysts the ability to develop a practice around their specialized services. This ultimately creates a world of highly specialized practitioners who can extend services to all who would benefit from them. However, I recognize one of the potential challenges is learning how to establish, operate, and thrive in practice. BCBAs didn't go to business school after all! To help you overcome this barrier, I've dedicated my practice to teaching the skills, strategies and techniques that contributed to the success of my clients and practice.